Two Cents

Two Cents 063: Think Outside The Bun

The episode in which I thank Steve for a great birthday present, we dissect Sony’s Playstation 4 Pro, speculate over the latest James Bond rumor, ridicule Apple for always being behind the curve, dream about Virginia Tech’s drone delivered Mexican food, and get sidetracked a ton before spending a lot of time on the DCEU especially Batman’s solo outing. Plus, Shanghai Dawn, Mallrats 2, my never ending love for Step Up and Magic Mike, Syfy’s upcoming hybrid 2D/VR project, Taco Bell fun facts, and more!

Two Cents

Two Cents 061: Guess Who’s Back

The episode in which I return from my day off, Wanda plans to buy one of the major Hollywood studios, the trials and tribulations of Birth of a Nation, VR finding a place in the court room, the problem with music streaming exclusives, HBO signing the first triple coverage TV deal with AT&T, Fast 8’s on set drama (and its rumored WWE end), Doug Liman leaving Marvel for DC, Fox’s X-Men franchise status quo, and my fanboy dream of the DCEU. Plus, lots of Spiderman talk, Playstation coverage, the importance of Blade, my continued championing of the return of the mystery genre, and an exploration of why 3D paved the way for VR.

Two Cents

Two Cents 060: Dancing On My Own

The week in which I had entirely too much fun bouncing between parties so Steve  recorded the show without me after a misunderstood text, Ben Affleck jumps back on the murder mystery hype train, Ocean’s Ocho might already have all-female competition, Hulu is the latest streamer to sip the Marvel kool aid, Alibaba is set to build their own theaters in China, and Uber is going to experiment with driverless cars. Plus, Adam West is back as Batman, the return of smell-o-vision, Amazon’s developing VR experiences, Varsity Blues and The Lost Boys are coming to TV, and The Jesus is Going Places.

Dollar Reviews

Dollar Reviews 026: Suicide Squad/Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Ultimate Edition (Feat. Cynical Cartoons)

We begin with David Ayer’s new, Snyder-less approach to the DC Extended Universe before diving into BvS (57:30) for a third, and final, time on the show, and close with a tease for the guest spot I made on Tyler’s show for The Killing Joke (01:48:00). Also, given that critics unanimously despise both these films I felt it necessary to rehash my gripes with the Rotten Tomatoes system and the clusterfuck which is contemporary film criticism (46:10).

Two Cents

Two Cents 057: The All Out Buyout

The episode in which Carmike, Yahoo, Redbox, Pinewood Studios, and Vizio have new corporate overlords and we question the position of the little guy, Luc Besson is sued for plagiarism, Geoff Johns is the new President of DC Entertainment, Disney is rebooting/sequeling The Rocketeer, and the Rio Olympics are going to be in 4K. Plus, the latest on Nintendo’s NX, SecondLife VR, Avengers: Infinity War, Sony’s troubled Uncharted adaptation, Yoga Hosers’s release date, and Viacom’s Comedy Central almost sues sister network CBS over Stephen Colbert’s likeness.

Two Cents

Two Cents 055: Carmike, Odeon, and Paramount, Oh My!

The week in which China’s Wanda Group continues its attempt to take over the cinematic world, Javier Barden might be Universal’s Frankenstein, unapproved password sharing is a federal crime, Warner Bros got in trouble from the FTC for YouTube payola, Google paying music publishers over $3 Billion for copyright claims, and ABC/Fox taking huge steps for the cordcutting generation. Plus, Lionsgate isn’t done making Saw films, Star Wars VR projects, VR headset exclusivity featuring Samsung, Flixtapes, and Nintendo turning a new leaf.

Two Cents

Two Cents 053: Enter The Void

The episode in which Steve’s roommates are celebrating our Independence Day, The Academy has opened its doors to diverse new talents, Lionsgate is buying Starz, MoviePass is playing with its subscription model, we speculate China’s role in the blockbusters to come, The Arrowverse might have just gotten a lot bigger, and the latest publicity stunt for Ghostbusters has me optimistic about Sony’s future. Plus, Jesus VR – The Story of Christ, The Olympics in VR, Tyrese joins Transformers 5, fun facts about Steven Spielberg, Apple’s patent for blocking camera usage, and more!

Two Cents

Two Cents 050: Overachievement Unlocked (w/Cynical Cartoons)

The episode in which Steve is taking a sabbatical so Tyler from Future Horse joins me, Flash has a Dope new director, Rogue One is going through reshoots, news on the Sicario sequel, Power Rangers, Google is taking steps to prevent Skynet, holographic performances at the Museum of Comedy, stupid backlash over X-Men, Ubisoft is adapting another IP to the big screen, and the reemergence of the musical and disaster flick. Plus, Netflix is making a show about female wrestlers, Atari is trying to stay relevant, and I gush over the promise of VR for a new set of ears (and why it won’t be the next fad like 3D).

Two Cents

Two Cents 048: News a la Carte

The week in which Steve has to leave early so I finish by myself (boom), Terry Gilliam is finally filming his Don Quixote, Nintendo is going to adapt their characters, DC on The CW is going to have a huge crossover event, the Angry Video Game Nerd refuses to watch the new Ghostbusters, Warner Bros has made Geoff Johns their own Kevin Feige for DC Films, Harley Quinn might be leading a female flick, and Universal is making another cinematic universe. Plus, Netflix airing Narcos on TV, IMAX bringing VR to the masses, BitTorrent launched a live streaming platform, Google I/O coverage especially Daydream VR, Motorola is bringing the RAZR back, and Kevin Smith is adapting Buckaroo Banzai for TV.

Two Cents

Two Cents 046: Tune Up #2 (Do Your Thing)

The week in which the show gets a complete overhaul, beginning with a new section where we keep tabs on past news items (Dreamworks Animation, James Wan/Aquaman, Yoga Hosers vs MPAA), Hulu (and maybe Youtube) are joining the OTT live TV game, Magic Mike Live is coming to Las Vegas, Batfleck is exec producing Justice League, Disney finally found their Young Han Solo, Universal adds another A-list monster to its universe, Lebron James is finally making a Space Jam sequel, and Kodak is giving film stock to kickstarter campaigns. Plus, the Oculus Rift is available at Best Buy, Max Landis has an idea for a fifth Scream movie, and Andrew Garfield is starring in the neo noir follow up to It Follows.