Debt to Cinema

Debt to Cinema 090: The Mummy (1999)

Of their many monsters, Universal has seemed most interested in keeping The Mummy alive forever. Between this weekend’s Dark Universe re-reboot with Tom Cruise, the original Karloff features, and of course this debt, Stephen Sommer’s turn of the century swashbuckling, treasure seeking, adventure that kicked off a trilogy, it appears opening the sarcophagus is always a good idea #DimeADozen

Two Cents

Two Cents 064: The One Sided Conversation (Feat. Chef Geoh)

The week in which my guest had a recording snafu and only my audio survived, I share my experiences from GameStop Expo and Long Beach Comic Con, pimp our episode on Victoria since High Noon is getting a remake, Rogue One has lost its composer 3 months before release, Spike Lee is adapting She’s Gotta Have It for Netflix, Facebook being integrated into Oculus has us scared, Twitter is embracing its media platform while reinvigorating itself, and eSports are coming to a university near you. Plus, Batman Day, Margot Robbie’s WB contract, a Stan Lee movie, dark reboots of lesser heroes, Fury Road: Black & Chrome, and more!

Two Cents

Two Cents 061: Guess Who’s Back

The episode in which I return from my day off, Wanda plans to buy one of the major Hollywood studios, the trials and tribulations of Birth of a Nation, VR finding a place in the court room, the problem with music streaming exclusives, HBO signing the first triple coverage TV deal with AT&T, Fast 8’s on set drama (and its rumored WWE end), Doug Liman leaving Marvel for DC, Fox’s X-Men franchise status quo, and my fanboy dream of the DCEU. Plus, lots of Spiderman talk, Playstation coverage, the importance of Blade, my continued championing of the return of the mystery genre, and an exploration of why 3D paved the way for VR.

Two Cents

Two Cents 052: One Year Later (w/Cynical Cartoons)

The episode in which we celebrate crossing the one year mark with Tyler and Luis, mourn Anton Yelchin’s untimely passing, cover the next Indiana Jones and Spielberg’s nonstop production calendar, rumors of The Rock being cast in his fourth franchise at Universal, the stellar additions to Spiderman: Homecoming, and Sony’s rumored plans for its new franchise. Plus, I share my experience with Playstation VR, Oculus attempts to get out of hot water, E3 coverage, Paramount’s rules for Star Trek fan films post-Axanar, Hotel Transylvania 3, Step Up coming to YouTube Red, Monopoly: The Musical, and much more!

Two Cents

Two Cents 050: Overachievement Unlocked (w/Cynical Cartoons)

The episode in which Steve is taking a sabbatical so Tyler from Future Horse joins me, Flash has a Dope new director, Rogue One is going through reshoots, news on the Sicario sequel, Power Rangers, Google is taking steps to prevent Skynet, holographic performances at the Museum of Comedy, stupid backlash over X-Men, Ubisoft is adapting another IP to the big screen, and the reemergence of the musical and disaster flick. Plus, Netflix is making a show about female wrestlers, Atari is trying to stay relevant, and I gush over the promise of VR for a new set of ears (and why it won’t be the next fad like 3D).

Two Cents

Two Cents 049: Just the One of Us

The week in which I ended up doing the show alone for the second episode in a row and quickly covered HBO’s Westworld coming in the Fall, Disney’s latest films coming to Netflix beginning in September, John Carpenter exec producing the latest Halloween reboot with Blumhouse, Shia LaBeouf doing another performance art piece, Adam Sandler making an animated flick at STX, Starz moving original programming to Sundays, Microsoft’s trio of rumored Xbox consoles, and PCs shaped as backpacks for VR users. Plus, a review of my Oculus Rift demo experience, John Francis Daley/Jonathan Goldstein’s Game Night, and The Rock’s Chinese Die Hard flick, Skyscraper.

Two Cents

Two Cents 048: News a la Carte

The week in which Steve has to leave early so I finish by myself (boom), Terry Gilliam is finally filming his Don Quixote, Nintendo is going to adapt their characters, DC on The CW is going to have a huge crossover event, the Angry Video Game Nerd refuses to watch the new Ghostbusters, Warner Bros has made Geoff Johns their own Kevin Feige for DC Films, Harley Quinn might be leading a female flick, and Universal is making another cinematic universe. Plus, Netflix airing Narcos on TV, IMAX bringing VR to the masses, BitTorrent launched a live streaming platform, Google I/O coverage especially Daydream VR, Motorola is bringing the RAZR back, and Kevin Smith is adapting Buckaroo Banzai for TV.

Two Cents

Two Cents 047: No Cannes Do

The week in which I stumble out of the gate but still implore everyone to visit LACMA’s Guillermo Del Toro exhibit, Black Panther has new big talent, Amazon launched Video Direct, making them a Youtube competitor, the A to Z store is rumored to offer its own food items to Prime members, We Do It Together is making a female centered short film collection, the scary trend of people live streaming sad shit, Warner Bros makes Godzilla moves as Gareth Edwards moves on, The Russo Bros are making a Chinese superhero movie, Wentworth Miller is going to be a recurring character across the Arrowverse, and Disney Infinity is no more as The House of Mouse has ceased all videogame development.

Two Cents

Two Cents 043: Bright Lights, Big Shitty (Theater Experience)

The episode in which North Carolina is cut off from porn, AMC Theaters let the internet scare them away from making smartphone friendly auditoriums, Fandango is changing the ticketing game, Avatar is now getting 4 sequels, Mark Rylance is Steven Spielberg’s new favorite actor, Pokemon might get the live action treatment, and the Loch Ness Monster was found. Plus, we dedicate a section just to superhero news (#Batfleck), speculate about Alphabet’s Sidewalk Labs, Sony’s Emoji movie doesn’t sound horrible, Star Trek Beyond in Barco Escape, another Fahrenheit 451 adaptation, and the return of Warren Beatty.