Dollar Reviews

Dollar Reviews 041: Baby Driver

Having done the UK proud and Canadian manga fans one better, what has Edgar Wright brought to musically inclined getaway drivers of the South? #SilverDollar – I also played plenty of rhythm games in our month long absence headlined by DJ Hero (27:46), went to the cinema for Captain Underpants (31:47) and Transformers: The Last Knight (34:30) in 3D, and stayed home for Adam Sandler’s The Cobbler (43:17). Meanwhile, Steve caught Cars 3 also in three dimensions (52:03), Collateral Beauty (55:10), and The Girl on the Train (59:37), before I close with my many Goodwill finds featuring an ad for the org (1:03:42).

Debt to Cinema

Debt to Cinema 063: Dick Tracy (1990)

Dick Tracy is a peculiar beast – a comic book adaptation and an art film, a promotional tie-in machine and slice of auteur cinema. Everything Warren Beatty, the biggest movie star on the planet at the time, does here from a stylistic standpoint is fascinating, its just a shame its wasted on a generic story.

Two Cents

Two Cents 055: Carmike, Odeon, and Paramount, Oh My!

The week in which China’s Wanda Group continues its attempt to take over the cinematic world, Javier Barden might be Universal’s Frankenstein, unapproved password sharing is a federal crime, Warner Bros got in trouble from the FTC for YouTube payola, Google paying music publishers over $3 Billion for copyright claims, and ABC/Fox taking huge steps for the cordcutting generation. Plus, Lionsgate isn’t done making Saw films, Star Wars VR projects, VR headset exclusivity featuring Samsung, Flixtapes, and Nintendo turning a new leaf.